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what is kinesiology?

what is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a natural therapy that relies on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assess energy and body function throughout the mind/body system.


The modality primarily relies on muscle testing, which is a natural bio-feedback mechanism that supplies information via nerve pathways and meridian systems. The muscle, which is usually the arm, is placed in a position of optimal contraction, with the aim to shorten and straighten the muscle fibres to identify a stress.


By using muscle reflect testing and applying a range of non-invasive and gentle, yet powerful techniques, Kinesiologists are able to instantly access holistic information held by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind holds our memories, thought patterns and beliefs, and once tapped into this, Kinesiologists are able to identify and locate energy blockages, stresses and imbalances within our physical and metaphysical being.

Anyone and everyone can benefit from a Kinesiology session. The aim is to clear stress, energetic imbalances and find clarity for the individual.


As individuals, we all experience some form of stress – whether it be big or small, it doesn’t matter, how our bodies experience it and hold it will show up in the same way. Our bodies begin to speak to us to show that the stress/pain that we have been through is now repressed or pushed down in our system. When ignored, this repressed stress/pain can begin to show up as physical or mental pain; causing spiritual, emotional and mental imbalances felt throughout the body.


Working with Ash, you will be able to move through these old emotions, blockages, belief systems, patterns and behaviours that are holding you back and keeping you from moving forward.

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what is kinesiology?

what is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a natural therapy that relies on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assess energy and body function throughout the mind/body system. Kinesiology is a powerful natural modality that works on children and animals too.


The modality primarily relies on muscle testing, which is a natural bio-feedback mechanism that supplies information via nerve pathways and meridian systems. The muscle, which is usually the arm, is placed in a position of optimal contraction, with the aim to shorten and straighten the muscle fibres to identify a stress.


By using muscle reflect testing and applying a range of non-invasive and gentle, yet powerful techniques, Kinesiologists are able to instantly access holistic information held by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind holds our memories, thought patterns and beliefs, and once tapped into this, Kinesiologists are able to identify and locate energy blockages, stresses and imbalances within our physical and metaphysical being.

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who can benefit from kinesiology?

Anyone and everyone can benefit from a Kinesiology session. The aim is to clear stress, energetic imbalances and find clarity for the individual.


As individuals, we all experience some form of stress – whether it be big or small, it doesn’t matter, how our bodies experience it and hold it will show up in the same way. Our bodies begin to speak to us to show that the stress/pain that we have been through is now repressed or pushed down in our system. When ignored, this repressed stress/pain can begin to show up as physical or mental pain; causing spiritual, emotional and mental imbalances felt throughout the body.


Working with Ash, you will be able to move through these old emotions, blockages, belief systems, patterns and behaviours that are holding you back and keeping you from moving forward.















how can the imbalances, stress or pain be cleared?

A person may have imbalances in their mind, body or spirit that will need certain remedies to bring back into balance. A block or imbalance can manifest in the form of physical pain, mental pain, dis-ease, negative thoughts, anxiety or stress. By using quick and specific muscle testing, we can identify the underlying cause of the stress.


Remedies can be used in order to clear the root cause of the emotional/mental/physical or spiritual imbalance. Remedies can include the following:


  • Acupressure points

  • Crystal remedies

  • Essential Oils

  • Sound healing

  • Oracle Cards

  • Colour therapy

  • Affirmations

  • Goals

  • Energy healing

  • Clearing sprays

  • Nature

  • Magnetic Therapy

  • Flower Essences

  • Vibrational Essences


Kinesiology is an amazing natural therapy that can bring about change on all levels; structural, emotional, nutritional, psychological, energetic and spiritual, enabling your body to naturally heal itself and align you to your truth and essence that lives within you.

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A little insight into a Kinesiology session below:

What Clients Say

"Just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for our session. I still struggle to find the words to describe what our sessions involve, but also how I feel afterwards. Since our session I have felt so much more aligned and centred. I love the laughs we have even more when I'm upset or not having the greatest day. You make me feel so calm and I love that I can be my true self and completely and utterly honest with you. I have followed all your directions since our session and I cannot stop smiling. I just adore you and want to express my gratitude for always holding such a safe space for me and becoming a beautiful friend".
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