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my story

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Hi there and welcome to Grounded Soul Kinesiology. My name is Ash, and I am an Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist based in Melbourne offering both in person and online sessions.


My journey into Kinesiology all started when I was in my mid 20's. I remember writing in my journal the word 'kinesiology', having no idea what it meant. This took me on a quest to find out more. Initially, I found some videos on YouTube of Applied Kinesiology, and it didn't resonate. So I parked it for a while, kept studying full time in my Psychology Degree, and continued on living my life, always with it in the background of my mind.

It wasn't until I caught up with a friend who mentioned that their friend had had these amazing results after seeing a Kinesiologist. I was immediately brought back to what I had written in my journal, and my curiosity felt a spark. I found out who my friend had seen and booked an appointment.

My first session was online, and I was amazed at how the Kinesiologist could tap into my emotions and thoughts with such ease. After many sessions both online and in person, I knew that this was what I wanted to do with my life. I started searching for courses, and found By The Bay Kinesiology. I remember meeting Denise (the creator of the modality) in person and being certain that I had met her before, and of course asked her for a hug (in true Ash fashion!). I fell in love with the course, the healing I witnessed and embarked on my journey of becoming a Kinesiologist, and I haven't looked back since!


Along the way I have added other modalities to my toolkit including Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Life Coaching and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). I find that these extra tools enhance my Kinesiology sessions in really beautiful ways.


I truly am a big believer in everything happening for a reason and I am interested to hear what your reason is for finding me.

Whether you are just at the beginning, in the middle or a veteran in your self-healing journey, all parts of you are welcome here.


It can be quite a process to pick someone that just ‘fits’ for you. There can be a lot of trial and error, repeating your ‘stories’ and not feeling as though you have moved through it with ease. There can be tough times, a hell of a lot of shadow work and unpacking the deepest parts of you that can sometimes bring the toughest of emotions. All I can say is that I am committed to the process, just as much as you are.


My job is my passion, and as a Kinesiologist, I aim to create a warm, welcoming, and safe environment where you can feel bold enough to open those layers of yourself that you may have been neglecting or not able to understand for a long time.

 I know we will be the right fit if you are feeling ready to access any of the following (as I have felt these things along the way too!):


  • Ready to find your WHY

  • Ready to connect to your true purpose

  • Ready to connect into your spiritual self

  • Ready to shift old patterns that stop you from being who you are

  • Ready to master your mind and release overthinking, ruminating thoughts and anxiety

  • Ready to receive more from your relationships with others

  • Ready to connect to yourself and your physical vessel on a deeper level

  • Ready to harness the right tools and techniques to live an optimal life

  • Ready to remove self-sabotaging behaviours

  • Ready to feel abundant, grounded and alive

  • Ready to take action


I am here to help! I have been in the trenches, I have done the hard work (just like you find yourself doing at this moment), and I know the commitment it takes to get to a point where you feel confident, grounded and as if you have embodied all the teachings and healings you have received.


Whenever you are ready to take the plunge, dive in and unpack the old stories, patterns, behaviours and habits held in your subconscious mind – I will be here every step of the way to guide you. At times it won’t feel easy, but at the end of the day, we all need to make the most of this trip through life, so why not make it the best trip possible? You are never alone in this, nothing is ever missing and you will find your place back on earth feeling grounded and alive.



Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner

TBM (Total Body Modification) Level 1

Bachelor in Psychology

Spinal Energetics (Level 1) Practitioner

Certificate in Holistic Counselling

Certificate in Meditation Teaching

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programme) Practitioner

Eriksonian Hypnotist

Life Coach


Currently studying:

NLP Master Practitioner 





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